Happiness is the most attractive feature in females and in general, men find smiling women more beautiful a recent research claims. 一般来说,快乐是女性最有吸引力的特质。最近的一项研究表明,男性会觉得微笑的女人会更美丽。
Since interoperability is a primary functionality for networking tools, not a secondary consideration, that's a very attractive feature. 因为互操作性是网络工具的一个主要功能,它不是次要问题,所以这是非常有吸引力的特性。
This is a very attractive feature for many communities for which decentralized or devolved control is a requirement, either because of political structure or sheer size. 对于许多需要分散或转移控制的社区来说,这是一项极富吸引力的特性(要么因为政治结构的缘故要么纯粹是因为大小的缘故)。
Fixed prices were introduced in the early 1800s as an attractive new feature that could save consumers time, money, and emotional energy, and were a great benefit to merchants, too. 固定价格在19世纪早期引进,作为节省顾客时间、金钱和情感能量的新兴方式,同样也给商人带来了好处。
Another attractive feature of higher reserve ratios is that they allow the government to modify, and in some cases eliminate, the liquidity and capital ratios dictated by new Basel III banking regulations. 提高准备金率的另一个吸引之处在于,政府可以借之减轻(在某些情况下消除)新的《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)规定的流动性和资本比率的影响。
Honesty is the glue that holds a relationship together and also an attractive feature. 诚实不仅能维持彼此间的关系,也相当具有吸引力。
Another attractive feature of stock market investment is the flexibility to change your investments when your personal circumstances change. 股市投资另一个吸引人的地方就是它的灵活性。你可以根据自身情况的变化而改变投资。
It is my least attractive feature, this prejudice against the unsightly, and it is based on a very wrong notion of what life is like for normal people. 这是我最没有吸引力的特征,这种对难看人的偏见,建立在一个十分错误的观点上&对于寻常人来说生命是什么。
A smile and proper clothes can be the best attractive feature, because they can light up the whole person. 微笑和恰当的着装是最吸引人的特征,因为它们可以使人精神焕发。
Last year, Mark Zuckerberg, the young American creator of Facebook, made the site even more attractive for watchers and those who want to be watched when he launched a "news feed" feature. facebook的年轻缔造者、美国人马克祖克伯格(markzuckerberg)去年推出了“newsfeed”功能,提高了该网站对观察者和希望被观察的人的吸引力。
An attractive feature for a self-stabilizing system is that the system can recover from transient faults automatically without any outside intervention. 也就是说在系统发生错误时,无需外部介入自我稳定系统即可自行恢复正常。
The most attractive feature of the urban landscape is brilliant summation. 城市景观特色是对城市魅力最精彩的概括。
A particularly attractive feature of the hydraulic load cell is that force calibration is not required. 一个特别有吸引力的特点,液压负荷单元是力的标定是不是必需的。
I think for me and anybody else a smile can be the most attractive feature, because it lights up my whole face. 我认为对我和其他人一样,微笑是一个人最吸引人的特征,因为微笑会使一个人整个面部都容光焕发。
Kites are considered the most attractive feature of weifang. 风筝成为潍坊最亮丽的一道风景。
Another important and attractive feature of the method is that it can utilize many currently available PID tuning rules. 另一个重要的特点是本方法可以利用有效的PID调整规律。
Objective: To analyse the facial soft tissue characteristics of attractive Uygur female in Xinjiang through photogrammetric analysis, and discuss the aesthetic feature by proportional and angular analysis respectively. 目的:通过摄影测量了解新疆维吾尔族美貌女性面部正侧位软组织形态特征,并从比例、角度等方面探讨其面部美学特征。
An attractive feature of this algorithm is that it avoids the use of the iteration technique and does not need any priori knowledge about the geometry and physical properties of scatterers. 这个算法的一个特别吸引人的性质是,它避开了迭代技术的应用,而且不需要关于障碍物的任何几何和物理的先验信息。
As one of the most attractive landscapes, water feature has been widely applied to modern urban environment design. 水作为最具魅力的园林景观,在现代城市中被广泛应用。
The attractive feature of this model is that no addition fitting parameter is used. 该模型的最大优点是没有引入额外的物理参数。
The most attractive feature of this method is its independence from the loss model. Furthermore, it makes the system operate at maximum efficiency quickly. 该方法的突出特点就是与交流电机的损耗模型无关,并能使系统快速达到最大效率工作点。
Electronic transformers represent an attractive solution for alternating current and voltage measurement at high voltage grades power system, since they feature a wide bandwidth, high degree of insulation, and low cost compared with traditional inductive instrument transformers. 电子式互感器与传统电磁式互感器相比,在带宽、绝缘和成本等方面具有优势,因而代表了高电压等级电力系统中电流和电压测量的一种极具吸引力的发展方向。